Menjelang 7 tahun pernikahan Susi Susindra dan Indra Susindra, nih. Iseng-iseng aku nonton video pernikahan kami dan mengenang wajah-wajah lucu, imut, serta muda teman-teman geng Studio M, juga teman-teman SMA Susi yang hadir. Lumayan menghapus jejak rindu kumpul-kumpul sobat lama.
Pernikahan kami dulu memang sangat sederhana sekali dan terkesan seadanya. Istilah kami berdua sih kumpul teman dekat karena undangan yang di sebar tak lebih dari 200 orang untuk teman SMA, teman kampung, dan teman kampus. Psst.. Susi ngambek loh karena dipaksa keluarga merayakan pesta pernikahan plus harus berkebaya ria. Xixi... maklum, Susi lumayan anti make up, apalagi rambut disasak, alis dicabutin. Wi.... tatut...
Pernikahan kami dulu memang sangat sederhana sekali dan terkesan seadanya. Istilah kami berdua sih kumpul teman dekat karena undangan yang di sebar tak lebih dari 200 orang untuk teman SMA, teman kampung, dan teman kampus. Psst.. Susi ngambek loh karena dipaksa keluarga merayakan pesta pernikahan plus harus berkebaya ria. Xixi... maklum, Susi lumayan anti make up, apalagi rambut disasak, alis dicabutin. Wi.... tatut...
Seharian ini Susi memang bermetal ria sambil onlen. Yngwie Malmsteen & Dream Theater, trus ngintip album Frente juga. Hehe yang ini ga nyambung banget sama metal ria. Paling enak kalo dengerin sambil nyanyi. Ini dia liriknya:
Once we were one
Now we're worlds apart
Deep inside you know you are my other heart
Now we're worlds apart
Deep inside you know you are my other heart
My memories seem like yesterday
Can't believe it's all so far away
All these years
All our tears
Still we sing the same old song
Let's make right all that went wrong
Can't believe it's all so far away
All these years
All our tears
Still we sing the same old song
Let's make right all that went wrong
There's no beginning there's no end
There is no reason to pretend
Crying from help from above
We've got to save our love
There is no reason to pretend
Crying from help from above
We've got to save our love
You said to me
That we hold the key
Eternal love we give and take
It was meant to be
That we hold the key
Eternal love we give and take
It was meant to be
My love for you
Was always true
Still we sing the same old song
Let's make right all that went wrong
Was always true
Still we sing the same old song
Let's make right all that went wrong
There's no beginning there's no end
There is no reason to pretend
Crying from help from above
We've got to save our love
There is no reason to pretend
Crying from help from above
We've got to save our love
All these years
All our tears
Still we sing the same old song
Let's make right all that went wrong
All our tears
Still we sing the same old song
Let's make right all that went wrong
There's no beginning there's no end
There is no reason to pretend
Crying from help from above
We've got to save our love
Crying from help from above
We've got to save our love
4 Komentar
ngintip dulu videonya ya. frente kemana ya skr
BalasHapusGimana, mbak? Suka ga lagunya? Melodinya itu loh yang sip. Khas slowrock jadul. Ga seperti slowrock jaman sekarang yang "hanya" easy listening.
BalasHapusMas Herdoni: Mungkin sudah ada mesin waktu meski kita tak pernah tahu. Yang kayak gini selalu rahasia, kan?
BalasHapusSusi pernah baca tentang film dokumenternya Charlie Chaplin, ada sesosok penonton yang memegang benda ditelinga yang disinyalir sebagai handphone. Masih banyak film dokumenter lain sehingga beberapa orang yakin ada time traveller di film2 kuno tersebut.
saya penasaran dengan tahun pembuatan lagu ini tahun berapa?
BalasHapusTerima kasih sudah berkenan meninggalkan jejak di sini. Mohon tidak memasang iklan atau link hidup di sini. :)